Physical Therapy

Accurate job descriptions are vital to ensuring that employers are placing employees in positions (or returning them to positions) that they are physically able to perform.

Removing a job offer or taking a job away from an employee (or reasonably accommodating them) based on their physical condition requires determining if the individual is physically capable of safely performing the essential job functions. IF the essential job functions are not clearly defined and/or the physical testing method is not replicating the actual job functions, then employment decisions become questionable and employers may get sued. This risk is greatly reduced by obtaining an expert Physical Demand Analysis for each position.

Physical Demand Analysis (“PDA”) is the expert onsite analysis of a particular job position to determine the exact physical and positional demands of that job.

The PDA will result in more accurate job descriptions which are vital to making informed employment decisions including hiring, job placement, job transfers, reasonable accommodation, and fit-for-duty and return to work.

The PDA will:

  • Clarify the essential functions versus the marginal functions of a job in order to provide a more accurate job description.
  • Determine what physical demands are associated with essential job functions and identify positions and weights handled in regards to occasional, frequent and continuous handling.
  • More accurately define jobs according to the required physical demands using Department of Labor terminology.
  • Aid in providing ADA & EEOC-compliant job descriptions using industry specific terminology.
  • Allow for physical job testing that mirrors the actual job motions through replication or very close approximation, as opposed to mere job simulation.
  • Result in stronger job descriptions for more precise determination of whether an individual can meet the essential functions of the job they have been offered or determine whether an individual is likely a direct threat to themselves or others performing the job.

Also known as Pre-Employment Musculoskeletal Screening, WorkFit’s ADA-compliant screens will save a lot of time and money by placing only those that are physically qualified in jobs that have physically demanding job functions.

With an independent expert medical report clearly establishing a baseline of the physical condition of the worker before starting work, employers are in the best position to eliminate payouts down the road for pre-existing conditions.

WorkFit’s experts will determine which employees are direct threats to themselves and/or others in the workplace, thus providing the basis for withdrawing the offer if employer cannot reasonably accommodate the employee’s disability without undue hardship.

Post-Offer Physicals

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Traditionally called a Back Screen, today’s Post-Offer Physical is so much more – a total body musculoskeletal screen which includes having a thorough injury history recorded and reviewed with the employee by the evaluator to elicit as much information about their health history and pre-existing conditions, etc. The Screen also includes the following:

  • Gait/Posture/Palpation Analysis – gait, sitting attitude, standing (including spinal A/P Curves, spinal alignment and scoliosis check)
  • Active Range of Motion – cervical and lumbar range of motion testing including checking flexion, extension, abduction, side bending and rotation
  • Neurological Assessment and Myotome Exam – upper and lower quarter screens, including reflexes
  • Special Tests – testing for Carpal Tunnel Screening, Tinel’s, Phalen’s, Reverse Phalens, SLR, Slump Test, Fabere
  • Strength Testing and Extremity Range of Motion Testing – Grip Strength Testing, Glenohumeral, Rotator Cuff Strength, and Lower Extremity Strength Screens
  • Strength Screening – Core Strength Testing and Lifting, and the Job Specific Screen
  • Lifting Technique Evaluation and Body Mechanic Training – to help prevent injuries, with after instructions given to the Employer

Once the evaluation is concluded, the employer is sent a Risk Analysis summarizing the exam and giving an expert opinion as to whether the employee is or is not capable of safely performing the essential physical demands of the job — or whether (without accommodation) he/she would pose a direct threat to themselves or others in the workplace.

This report provides an independent expert medical opinion that is ADA-compliant on which the employer can base their decision to withdraw an offer of employment if the employee does not “pass” the screening (and employer cannot reasonably accommodate without undue hardship).

Trainings By PT Experts

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  • Body Mechanics Training for proper techniques for lifting, pushing, pulling, carrying, bending and posturing, climbing, dolly use, and other employer-specific body mechanics.
  • Ergonomics Training including office, industrial, and job specific to reduce worksite injuries.
  • Fitness and Stretching Programs for prevention, wellness, and improved productivity.
  • Individual Ergonomic Work Station or Worksite Ergonomic Evaluations to prevent injury or to expedite recovery after injury.
  • Customized Trainings to meet unique workplace needs.

Train Supervisors and Managers

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  • Reasonable Suspicion Drug and Alcohol Training
  • Best Practices: What to Do When an Injury Occurs
  • Attitude Enhancements: Improving Safety and Health in the Workplace by Altering Attitudes
  • OSHA 101 and What to do if an Inspector Shows Up
  • Distracted Driving and Cell Phone Policy & Procedure
  • Managing Work Comp Claims – Best Practices
  • Customized Trainings for the unique needs of your workplace.

* These trainings are done by a licensed Attorney with over 25 years’ experience.

WorkFit’s ergonomic experts will evaluate your workstations and employees in action and provide corrective services that WILL PREVENT or REDUCE INJURIES FROM OCCURRING.

Onsite Injury Prevention Services

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  • Ergonomic Evaluations of work environments and workstations with adjustments and/or recommended modifications where needed. Use of specialized assessment and survey tools approved by OSHA to identify specific job hazards, including: NIOSH Lifting Formula, Snook Tables, and ANSI-Z365, RULA, Moore-Garg Strain Index, and more.
  • Industrial Ergonomic Evaluations to identify and recommend solutions for job hazards including awkward posture, high hand force issues, highly repetitive impact, heavy lifting, frequent or awkward lifting, moderate to high hand-arm vibrations, etc.
  • Educate and re-direct employees exhibiting poor body mechanics that may lead to an injury if not corrected.
  • Identify signs of pain or discomfort and treat and advise before an injury occurs.

An Ounce of Prevention…

  • The frequency and severity of work-related injuries will decrease with early detection of ergonomic issues, poor body mechanics and discomfort issues.
  • These services show care and concern for your employees’ well-being which builds positive rapport with employees and increases good will toward their employers.
  • Preventive PT visits: Before a pain becomes a claim, individual employees complaining of aches or pains meet with an expert PT to greatly aid in detecting and eliminating issues before they become a claim (including work hardening for new employees, home exercises, improving body mechanics, and other preventive PT care. Before a PAIN becomes a claim.

BEFORE a Pain Becomes a Claim

Set Up Your Prevention Evaluation Today!


Workfit’s medical team provide first aide and triage services, injury case management, and health promotion, which, in turn, will increase productivity, improve morale and lower absenteeism and labor turnover.

Physical Therapy Department:

Workfit’s Physical Therapy team – provide early intervention – “before a pain becomes a claim”, ergonomic assessments and educational trainings, as well as job site functional demand analysis. Also, PTs may provide onsite therapy for personal and work related injuries.

The employer will experience personalized Onsite Services that are staffed by WorkFit employees with the backing of WorkFit’s Medical Doctors – the region’s five MOST experienced injury care and occupationally trained specialists who are only a phone call away or available at the Clinic for hands on expertise.

Customizable services to meet your business objectives. Flexible hours with a strategic, thoughtful and data driven approach that will have a true impact, not only on healthcare spend, but on the health status of the employee population.